Registration Deadline: May 23, 2025

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Your Program Registration Starts Here 

Before completing the registration form on the following page, we need you to agree and commit to the following statements. The form will not submit until all fields are filled out completely.


You must agree to this statement.

You must agree to this statement.

You must agree to this statement.

You must agree to this statement.

You must agree to this statement.

You must agree to this statement.

You must agree to this statement.

Name of person completing this form:


First name needed.

Last name needed.

Title needed.

Valid phone needed.


Valid email needed.

If the form does not proceed to the next page, please review your information throughout the form to see what is missing or what needs to be corrected.


Organization Information

 Tell us about your organization. Please list the HQ or primary location for your operations in Ottawa.


Response required.

Valid response required.


Mailing Address

Response required.

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Response required.

Response required.

Response required.

Valid response required.

Response required.

Response required.

Response required.

Response required.

If no, please fill out the corporate address below.

Response required.

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Response required.

Response required.

Response required.


Contact Information

 Tell us about your people.


Primary Contact The Primary Contact will be the main contact for questions throughout the entire process and the recipient of all communications (via emails, phone, website and letters), employee surveys for distribution, feedback reports, etc.

Response required.

Response required.

Response required.

Response required.

Valid response required.

Invalid Input

Please do not provide a role-based email address such as or Our system will not import role-based email addresses and invitations will not to be delivered.

Valid response required.

Valid response required.

Invalid Input

Response required.

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Response required.

Response required.

Response required.

Response required.


Secondary ContactThe Secondary Contact will be the contact for questions if the Primary Contact is unavailable.

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If the form does not proceed to the next page, please review your information throughout the form to see what is missing or what needs to be corrected.


Contact Information

Tell us about your people.


CEO, President, Manager, Etc. (Senior-most leader of the entire organization.)

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CEO, President, Manager, Etc.(Senior-most leader in the area where your organization is applying for the “Best” award)

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IT Contact The IT Contact will be the contact for any technical systems questions regarding online surveys - for all employer questionnaires and online surveys for employees - regarding filtering, spam content, white-listing, etc.

Response required.

Response required.

Response required.

Invalid Input

Valid response required.

Please do not provide a role-based email address such as or Our system will not import role-based email addresses and invitations will not be delivered.

Valid response required.


Marketing/PR Contact The Marketing/PR Contact will handle any marketing and/or public relations questions for your organization.

Response required.

Response required.

Response required.

Valid response required.

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Valid response required.


Human Resources Contact Human Resources Contact will handle any human resources related questions for your organization.

Response required.

Response required.

Response required.

Response required.

Valid response required.

Invalid Input

Valid response required.

If the form does not proceed to the next page, please review your information throughout the form to see what is missing or what needs to be corrected.


Survey Selection


Participation Fees

Your registration fee depends on how many employees you have at your organization. Please see the chart below to determine the fees regarding organization size. You will receive an invoice at a later date or you can choose to pay online at the end of this form.

Number of Eligible Ottawa Employees

of Eligible Employees Surveyed
Online Method Cost* (CAN)
15-24** All Can$860
25-99 All Can$890
100-199 All Can$1,010
200-499 Up to 300*** Can$1,065
500-999 400*** Can$1,150
1000 and above 500*** Can$1,195

*Costs are not refundable. **To ensure result credibility, companies with 15-24 employees are required to have at least an 80% response rate to be considered for the list. ***Employees are randomly selected.

Valid numbers needed.

Response required.


Survey Additional Employees? For employee populations over 300 we survey a random selection. Would you like to survey additional employees? Learn More

Response required.

If the form does not proceed to the next page, please review your information throughout the form to see what is missing or what needs to be corrected.


Additional Information

Tell us about your survey needs. 


Additional Languages Does your organization need alternate language surveys?

Response required.

We offer employee surveys in a variety of languages. English and French Canadian are free of charge. Additional languages are available at Can$250 per survey translation. If you need alternate language surveys, please select the languages below, and we will contact you to confirm your selections. Selecting "YES" above will add Can$250 to your cart, per language.

Please select.

Please name.


Are you interested in customizing your employee survey? As part of the survey design process your organization has the option (for a fee) to customize the employee survey to include changing job roles/department response options, adding a location question, surveying all or additional employees and adding additional questions. If selected, you will be contacted by a survey specialist to learn more about these options.

Please select.

Additional Questions

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Response required.

Please select.

Response required.

If the form does not proceed to the next page, please review your information throughout the form to see what is missing or what needs to be corrected.


Submit Your Registration

You're almost done! (All fees are non refundable)


0.00 CAD

An invoice will be sent to the primary contact of this registration form.


If the form does not proceed to the next page, please review your information throughout the form to see what is missing or what needs to be corrected.

Response required.